FRANKFURT 2013 LIVE: Electricele tronează în standul Volkswagen

Publicat miercuri, 11.09.2013 10:53 de Sebastian Toma

Volkswagen a avut un stand generos la Salonul Auto de la Frankfurt, pe care a ales să-l umple cu vehicule electrice, concentrându-se pe versiunile electrice ale lui Golf şi Up!, alături de un vehicul utilitar electric bazat pe Up!. Pe lângă aceste modele, cei de la Volkswagen au prezentat şi o ediţie specială a lui Amarok

şi un concept care prefigurează viitorul Golf Plus.

Volkswagen Golf Sportsvan Concept - imagini şi informaţii oficiale

Conceptul Sportsvan ne arată viitorul gamei Golf Plus, care se va schimba semnificativ odată cu apariţia modelului bazat pe Golf VII. Cel mai probabil, nemţii vor prelua aproape toate elementele estetice prezentate pe acest concept, exponatul având un aer care sugera apropierea sa de versiunea de serie.

  • Frankfurt 2013, duminică, 15.09.2013 23:20

    Renault Zoe - Winner 'Best new EV' at IAA Frankfurt 2013

  • mda, miercuri, 18.09.2013 20:58

    Martin Winterkorn, the head of the German industrial giant, told journalists that Volkswagen has the ambition of becoming the world’s leading electric carmaker by 2018. Winterkorn insisted the company would have 14 electric and hybrid cars on sale by 2015, including vehicles from Audi, Seat and Skoda. But Volkswagen’s ambitions seemed to draw out a mix of hard-edged response and playful bemusement from the chief of Renault-Nissan, which already has Renault’s Zoe and Twizy and the Nissan Leaf on the market. Carlos Ghosn: "I have been told that we have some competition to become the largest maker of electric cars in the world ... I have been told this competition is going to come from a company that last year said electric power was only good for golf carts. By 2018, this rival suggests it will be the biggest. I applaud that but I will challenge it because we are already the leader and are showing leadership. They want to be number one? We are number one and we will stay there.” Sursa: