VIDEO: O camioneta darama o cladire

Publicat joi, 17.07.2008 18:55 de Robert Gherghe

Soferul unui Dodge Ram nu a tinut cont de inaltimea vehiculului sau si a daramat platforma unei cladiri.

In mod miraculos, soferul camionetei si fiul sau de 10 ani au scapat cu viata!
  • R, joi, 17.07.2008 21:14
    care cladire?

    Asta nu e cladire e un acoperis.

  • RR, vineri, 18.07.2008 03:09
    Au scapat?

    Nu mi se pare ca au scapat cu viata, doar daca era Hudini dom' sofer.

  • zoly Tzo, vineri, 18.07.2008 03:21
    nu cred

    cred ca ne iei la misto...cum au scapat cu viata fratele meu alb? pai masina a fost facuta [email protected] trimite-mi un mesaj cu detalii despre accidentul asta te rog...sant curios sa vad ce zis supravietuitorii...

  • cort, vineri, 18.07.2008 07:32

    At approximately 3 PM, Tuesday, July 2, a 2008 Dodge Ram 2500, pulling a new travel trailer, hit the corner of the Texas State Bank Drive-In on Tenaha Street, causing the complete awning to come to the ground. Luckily, the driver of the Dodge, Mickey Miller, of Garrison and his 10 year old son were able to exit their vehicle uninjured. According to Miller he was circling the bank to park on the other side when the corner of his travel trailer caught the corner of the bank awning. Next thing he heard was a rumble as the awning started falling against his driver's side door. Somehow he was able to unbuckle the seat beat and exit the other side of his truck as it was falling. Mark Ivy of Texas State Bank stated that the main lobby would be open for business while the drive-in is being repaired.

  • oki doki, vineri, 18.07.2008 08:05
    alt rahat

    nu au scapat cu viata a aratat pe pro tv si au spus chestia asta, dar domnul Automarket vrea sa faca "senzatie" ....

  • boss, vineri, 18.07.2008 08:39

    au scapat au avut noroc chior

  • costi, vineri, 18.07.2008 08:58
    nu cred

    Eu nu cred ca au scapat, se vede clar ca erau in masina in momentul impactului. Inca ceva: din nou este dezvaluita prostia americana, 1 ca au construit un rahat de acoperis, ce putea sa cada si la o furtuna de-a lor mai puternica, si 2 ca soferul nu si-a dat seama de inaltimea rulotei.

  • Acidman, vineri, 18.07.2008 08:59
    au scapat.

    CENTER, Texas – Except for people from East Texas, it's doubtful many have heard of the city of Center. But now the town, southeast of Longview, has become pretty well known after a local bank surveillance camera captured an astonishing accident. The video, which has been e-mailed under the title "Camera21," shows the view underneath the canopy of the Texas State Bank at 3:01 p.m. on July 2 in Center and points toward the customer drive-up lanes. A white Dodge pickup towing a travel trailer turns the corner and drives into frame and the trailer, too tall to go under the canopy, accidentally clips the canopy causing it to crash down. The 15 second clip shows the canopy crush the truck as it crumbles to the ground. Center police confirmed the accident to News 8. A dispatcher who answered the phone said no one was hurt. The bank refused to comment on the crash.

  • eu, vineri, 18.07.2008 09:25
    au scapat ma

    au scapat ma ca platforma aia a cazut pe o parte nu pe intreaga masinii.

  • Radu, vineri, 18.07.2008 12:37

    au scapat doar daca erau amandoi din cauciuc. Platforma aia are 20 tone - cam cat de tare tre sa ai capul ca sa nu ti-l faca pilaf?

  • bbbobbbo, vineri, 18.07.2008 13:25
    in viata?

    daca au scapat, mult inseamna ca i-a iubit Bunul Dumnezeu... asa da

  • alex, duminică, 20.07.2008 17:12

    The driver was able to safely escape from his truck before the canopy crushed his car.

  • cozappz, miercuri, 23.07.2008 12:51

    Sunt doua stiri care confirma ca au scapt cu viata, iar noi dovedim ca suntem straini de limba engleza, cel putin, sau avem impresia ca parerea nostra conteza.