India, oficial gazda in F1

Publicat joi, 14.06.2007 13:40

Asociatia Olimpica din India anunta faptul ca a ajuns la o intelegere cu Bernie Ecclestone in privinta organizarii unui Mare Premiu in India, incepand cu 2009.

Astfel, indienii vor gazdui primul Mare Premiu al sezonului 2009, dupa ce au primit unda verde din partea FIA. Grand-Prix-ul va avea loc la New Delhi, va fi unul de tip stradal si va fi prima manifestare de acest fel gazduita de orasul indian.

"Am primit o scrisoare in acest sens de la Bernie Ecclestone. Vom organiza un Mare Premiu incepand cu anul 2009", a declarat Suresh Kalmadi, presedintele motorsportului din India.

  • horted, joi, 14.06.2007 15:23
    stradal sau nu

    India changes tack again - and gets a deal in 2009 India has decided to build a Formula 1 track near New Delhi rather than push ahead with a street race and Bernie Ecclestone has agreed to grant the Indians the chance for a race in 2009 - no doubt with a lot of conditions which will put the pressure to get everything done in a hurry. Indian Olympic Association (IOA) president Suresh Kalmadi says that the IOA will promote the race and that money will be raised through government or private funding. This gives the Indians 24 months in which to raise the money and construct the track, a huge challenge. A proper contract will not be signed until everything is in place. It all sounds wildly optimistic.