McLaren: "Vom fi puternici la Monaco"

Publicat luni, 11.05.2009 16:22 de Daniel Popescu

Martin Whitmarsh sustine ca McLaren Mercedes va obtine un rezultat bun in Marele Premiu al statului Monaco de peste doua saptamani.

Via | Reuters

  • michelle_b, luni, 11.05.2009 17:00
    oare nu vorbeste despre Lewis ???

    "We have come a long way from where we were eight weeks ago and the other positive is look at Lewis, what a fighter and what a great drive from him. He's always been in a winning car, he's not at the moment and he's doing a fantastic job," said Whitmarsh."Monaco is a circuit that will suit us and we've got great drivers," he said. "Lewis is mega there."

  • horted, luni, 11.05.2009 17:54

    Ba da, cu siguranta. Dar dupa cum am observat pana acum pe noi ne intereseaza doar titlul si nu si continutul stirii. Ca sa vezi cum e cu presa asta, ia uite ce titlu au gasit altii aceluiasi continut: "Whitmarsh grateful for Hamilton". You win some, lose some, and wreck some, nu-i asa Mircea?